Friday, December 17, 2010

December Daily...Days 13-16

Hey Everyone! I hope that everyone is having a great Friday! I'm super excited that it's the start of the weekend - we have a busy, but really fun weekend ahead of us - I'll share more soon (probably through December Daily). For now, I am sharing sharing my pages from Monday through Thursday. Please feel free to click on the pictures for a closer look at the details and the journaling....

So, how is everyone else's December Daily going?

Are you finding it tough to stay motivated? I know I am, but I just keep telling myself that it will be a GREAT keepsake for many years to come :)... I'll be sharing more throughout the weekend with regarding our holiday festivities. Take care and be safe!

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Linda Beeson said...

OH wow! What a treasure you already have - love so many of your details.

Sue Althouse said...

I'm not doing DD, but love looking at what others are creating! Especially like your page of movies and place to keep receipts.

yyam said...

Your gal looks so sweet! :)

I can't keep up I didn't attempt a DD! ;)

Manon Keir said...

Looks fantastic Casey. Love all the little details, the receipts are such a good idea. might have some somewhere and add them too!!
I'm still working on mine. Doing it for the whole month. I already got so many pages, not sure if I will be able to bind it with the bind it all.