One of the great perks of my job is that we get to have an allocation of adidas stuff, so I've been stocking up on shoes for PJ. These are the shoes that she's wearing now - aren't they just the cutest!

I've got another digi LO to share - used Vinnie Pearce's designs again - would love to hear what you think!
Those shoes are so cute! It's a shame they grow out of them so quickly, but it sounds like you'll have another pair to replace them soon! Layout is adorable.
cas, what another GREAT layout! i love this style...if i were to make a dig LO i would do this too!
those shoes are sooooooooo cute! i would wear them, LOL
and i looove vinnie's designs...gorgeous LO!
LOVE those sneakers!! super cute digi LO!!
I love the greys and desat on the photo...awesome layout!!
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